Friday, June 27, 2014

So, Who Do You Listen To?

"The one who belongs to God listens and responds to God's words. You don't listen and respond, because you don't belong to God" (cf. John 8:47, NET Version).

Strong words, aren't they? As we can see, Jesus never pulled any punches when addressing false disciples. In fact, this statement He makes comes on the heels of Him laying the wood to His attackers – (cf. John 8:44)

The first phrase reads, "You people are from your father, the devil and you want to do what your father desires..." (NET Version).

There it is. Whoever controls the ear controls the conduct.

My friends, we are either children of God or children of the devil. 

There is no other option. 

In his book Always Ready, the late Dr. Gregory L. Bahnsen said, "Neutrality is an immoral attempt to serve two lords." We will either listen to the devil or we will listen to God. And our response will either be disobedience or obedience. Sorry, but the Word of God does not make it any plainer than that.

How do we know we belong to God? When we love Him and when we obey His Word. It is an impossibility for one to love and to obey God but to hate His Bible at the same time. We cannot be His disciples when His Word is not the priority in our lives.

The devil's children simply go through the motions, pretending to belong to God. Let that not be us.

Listen to Christ. Obey His Word. 
He is the Word.


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