My brothers, sisters and friends....what is ministry? Very interesting and challenging question. I also have another question. Does society and even the church have a warped view of what ministry truly is? I believe that is a distinct possibility.
According to Bill Hull's The Complete Book of Discipleship, the term ministry means serving others in the name of Christ. Hull's definition is absolutely correct. So then, why do a great number of people - who claim to be Christians - want to be served instead of serving?
Jesus made it clear when He (the Master) washed His disciples feet (cf. John 13) - the lowest kind of servanthood in Palestine - that service is a prerequisite for discipleship. Perhaps that may be the reason so many care not to be disciples.
My we go about our daily activities, let us make a conscious effort to take advantage of opportunities to serve others.
It is the true meaning of ministry.
Lord....I aim to be your disciple.